Grounding or “Earthing”, have you heard of it? Josh Shultz, a fellow Coloradoan wrote an exceptional book explaining this concept as simply standing barefoot upon the earth and achieving wondrous benefits in line with better blood pressure and increased well-being. While that sounds as dull as every other public service announcement beckoned from every other social media account, the meat of this dish is found in the delivery.

So, if Grounding, synonymous to Earthing, is the means to absorb electrons through the
soil, and by doing so, we are then able to reduce the electron and proton differential,
then how is that supposed to help me?
…Well, central to a colossal myriad of health disorders, inflammation unfortunately
engages white blood cells to release free radicals (~Psst! Electrons, protons, and other
super small stuff searching for their pen pals!) and reactive oxygen species (…Do you
know how rust happens?).
Coincidentally then, those free radicals and reactive oxygen species
indiscriminately cause damage to cells, including pathogens, and molecules by mugging
them, or forcing assimilation like the Borg, for their counterparts: for example, a proton
wants an electron. That is both a blessing and a curse.
Repair Field
In addressing the “curse”, it has been noted that for many years Native
Americans would bury their sick in the ground for healing to offset the proton/electron ratio. With this, Shultz has affirmed his coined term, “Repair Field”, as an area within the body needing to be, and undergoing, rebalancing. Be mindful that this was far ahead when the scientific community would find interest in this grounding practice to thwart
inflammation, which began to emerge in the 1990’s.
With this better understanding, we can then see that not maintaining a closely balanced charge, which can be blazingly remedied with a continuity wire from a mat into the grounding recess of a wall outlet, becomes a concern…
Now, you’re absolutely right: this isn’t a spontaneous lightning strike of a flagship conspiracy theory – it’s a slow battle of attrition that makes your transition from your twenties and onward pass your thirties resemble sandblasting with movement (…Maybe another blog with more on that in the future!?). And, sure, what if a person feels
worse with a Grounding Mat? – then, it might be the case that reversing the bend in a metal pipe might require some unpleasantness, so please check with your healthcare providers.
Either way, Grounding/Earthing is an example of something so simple and effective, it’s worth the opportunity to experience despite a seemingly wide range of results from
nothing to better sleep and pain reli.